Monday, August 21, 2006
Yesterday was super busy for me, even for a Sunday. My grandmother turned 90 years old and we had a big birthday celebration for her at church, including food and cake. But what turned out really special was the slide show presentation my mother, husband and I created for the occasion of pictures we collected all the way from her parents, children, grand-children to great-great grandchildren (plus a few cousins thrown in). It brought forth lots of happy memories, along with some sad.

My grandfather passed in 1994 so of course we had lots of pictures of them together from the beginning of their relationship to the end (56 years of marriage). Plus, we had other family members on the slide show who*d passed also. But all in all, it was a celebration! My grandmother was so happy to see all her relatives come to the party. And she*s 90. How many people really make it to 90 years old who can still walk, unassisted, who still has all her own teeth, who lives by herself in her own house, and can remember everyone in her family, young and old. It was a great time.

Well, I*m off for the first day of school. Whoohoo! Pray that I won*t kill any kids. LOL

Smooches, Lyric

posted by Lyric James @ 5:10 AM  
  • At 8:02 AM, Blogger LISA WILLIAMS said…

    Wow, 90 years old. Happy birthday to your grandma.

  • At 8:08 AM, Blogger Shuck Ying said…

    Have a fun day on your first day at school!

  • At 8:08 AM, Blogger Deborah Chan said…

    Sounds like your grandma had a great birthday party.

  • At 8:45 AM, Blogger Karen Erickson said…

    That sounds like a wonderful party. 90 yrs old! Lots of memories to cherish there.

    Have fun at your first day of school! I'm sure the kiddies will be good - right now. Give them time, LOL.

  • At 1:43 PM, Blogger J said…

    Happy Birthday to your grandma.

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