Friday, August 25, 2006
*Confession Time*
The Sad Reality

I can*t write paranormal. It*s true. I stink at it. Isn*t that sad? I tried, however, I can admit to you, my friends, that I was a big fat failure. I got a big ole fat *rejection.* But, I must admit that I don*t feel too bad about it. I rushed it, didn't spend as much time as I could developing that other world, and it showed in the final product. What I think I might do now is revamp it and make it a regular contemporary. Now this is what I am good at. I might try another paranormal one day when I really feel like taking the time out to delve into creating that other world, but right now, I have to confess, I*m just too freakin* lazy to do it. Now that I*m back at work, my time is really short and valuable when it comes to writing. And when it comes to paranormal, it you want it to be really good, you have to take the time that paranormal deserves and frankly...I ain't got it. LOL

New From Cobblestone Press

Blood Lust by Jodi Becker


Star Struck by Susan Greene.

Check em' out.

Guess what*s releasing next week? You guessed it.

My tryst, Vindication: The Adventures of a Private Jane. I had so much fun writing this story. It was what originally got me interested in cozy mysteries. Zip by Cobblestone Press next Friday and download your copy!

Happy Friday, Lyric

posted by Lyric James @ 2:27 PM  
  • At 4:33 PM, Blogger Loribelle Hunt said…

    {{{Hugs}}} Lyric! Sorry to hear about the R. :( Sounds like you have a great plan for the story though. Good luck!

  • At 5:23 PM, Blogger J said…

    At least you tried and the experience may come in useful when you decide to write a paranormal again.

  • At 12:27 AM, Blogger Ann Cory said…

    Congrats honey!! Love your covers :) Rejections aren't fun, but they are great tools to help you polish up the story. I find my best stories are contemporaries, even though I love vampires and paranormal stories. *shakes head*

  • At 2:12 AM, Blogger Richelle Mead said…

    Hang in there! It's cool that you think you can still reuse it for something contemporary. And hey, don't forget about the incubus...

  • At 8:00 AM, Blogger Karen Erickson said…

    Sorry about the R, Lyric. Paranormals are hard, futuristics even harder (to me anyway). At least you have a plan for it!

    Yea on the release next week! :)

  • At 8:08 PM, Blogger Angela's Designs said…

    Sounds interesting, congrats on the release in advance.

  • At 2:34 PM, Blogger Shelli Stevens said…

    Sorry about the rejection! Paranormals are a struggle for me as well. Can't wait for your release next week!

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