Thursday, October 05, 2006
***Great Writing Day***
Whoohoo! Awesome writing day today. I cranked out 10 whole freaking pages on my YA today and it felt terrific. I was struggling with the beginning, and then this afternoon it just hit me and wham! under 2 hours I was finished. And I*m hoping to get a little bit more done tonight. So, we*ll see.

It*s also and awesome review day today. Fallen Angel Reviews gave Vindication ***5 Angels***. Here*s some of what they had to say...

Danger, double-cross and delicious bed play make Adventures of a Private Jane: Vindication an excellent read. Lyric James has just found her way onto my *best new authors* list as she serves up a piping hot and slickly suspenseful read about secrets, slimeballs, and sex. These are some smoking love scenes, to be sure, and I found myself admiring the intensity and attention to detail in this tail. Karyn is a bold, tenacious woman who knows what she wants, and aims to get it. Zechariah does admirable duty as her erstwhile lover who finds himself tangled in their web of passion. Watching a woman get her man has never been so entertaining! Five Angels for Lyric James' Adventures of a Private Jane: Vindication.

Isn*t that a great review. I always sweat when a new book comes out and I have to wait for the reviews. Phew! Load of my shoulders.

Also, tomorrow I*ll be chatting at Joyfully Reviewed...actually, a lot of Cobb authors will be hanging out all day, so stop by and join us. I*ll be giving away a free copy of any choice of one of my books.

Smooches, Lyric

posted by Lyric James @ 5:39 PM  
  • At 10:13 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said…

    I hope you're celebrating because that's a great review!
    Congrats on the YA too!

  • At 10:18 AM, Blogger Karen Erickson said…

    Ooh, congrats!! What an awesome review!!!! :)

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