Wednesday, October 11, 2006
The Dentist....
I*m probably one of the few people in the world who genuinely like their dentist. Strange, yes. But true. I*ve been going to the dentist on a regular basis ever since I was in the 3rd/4th grade when I had to get braces. I kinda slacked off after that, but then, when I got a job that offered me dental insurance, I started right back. It*s a father-son dental practice and they*re really nice and I call them by the first names (Dr. Bill - Dr. John). My whole family goes, including my sister and her three kids and my mom.

Well, I mention all of this because yesterday I had to get a crown, a really long procedure if you*ve never gotten one before. This is the only time I dislike going to the dentist...even getting a cavity filled isn*t as bad as it was. Last time I got a crown, I ended up having to get a root canal anyway. I*m hoping that doesn*t happen again.

So in-t-way, my writing sucked last night and today because I*m still feeling the effects of it. Hopefully I can jump back on the writing bandwagon tomorrow. Have a great day.

Smooches, Lyric

posted by Lyric James @ 9:03 PM  
  • At 8:21 PM, Blogger Karen Erickson said…

    Sorry Lyric... :(

    I'm not a big fan of the dentist but the dentist I have now is so sweet - everyone in the office is nice, actually. So it's not so bad going there anymore.

    Hope you're feeling better.

  • At 7:18 AM, Blogger J said…

    I don't mind dentist unless they are very proud.

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