And no...I WILL NOT tell you how old I am. I'll just say that I'm slowly creeping toward the big Four Oh. But hey, I am still FAB-U-LOUS!!! LOL Well, in honor of my birthday I think I'll give away a present. I have a release coming out in you'll have to wait until then, but I'll give away a copy of It's All About The Fireworks - my release from Freya's Bower. OK - you have to do three easy things - post on both the Novelty Girls Blog and the Sexy Sheets Blog. Then, come back here and answer these questions and you'll be entered in a drawing to win a copy. From the Novelty Girl's blog - Who is our newest member? From the Sexy Sheets blog - What is my topic today? I will post a winner tonight after I come back from seeing Spidey in his new black tights! I hope you have a great Saturday! |
HAPPY HAPPY BIRTHDAY!!! WOOHOO! Nearing 40?? Girl, from somebody over that hill, I can tell you it only gets better... :)