Monday, September 11, 2006
I remember exactly where I was September 11, 2001. In a classroom full of students. It was my second year teaching, it was second period and we were going about our day just like normal. Then, a friend and fellow teacher came down to my room and told me what happened. I was're way. At this point, only the first tower had been hit. I turned the TV on in my room and probably about 10 minutes later, the second plane hit and we (me and my students) couldn't believe it was real.

I watched the movie United 93 on DVD Saturday. My husband bought it last week I think, but I wanted to wait to watch it. (I'll tell you another story about my hubby's hobby/obsession with DVD's another day.) It was hard to watch a movie that you already knew the outcome to. But seeing the background stuff at the FCC and with the air-traffic controllers and the military was really eye opening. If it was true, boy I sure hope they've improved since then. Well, I honor and salute those who lost their lives that day and hope their families are coping with the loss.

I decided that I was going to start posting my daily progress with the WIPs I*ve been working on. Hopefully, this will help me keep mywriting butt in gear and stop being a slacker. LOL

Robyn Hood

1,679 / 20,000
Death for Dessert
1,623 / 80,000
Under Cover
1,516 / 20,000
posted by Lyric James @ 7:30 AM  
  • At 5:58 AM, Blogger LISA WILLIAMS said…

    Me too! I can still remember what I was doing that day. Strangely enough I don't turn on the tv or the radio normally at all during the day but I did and saw just when everything collapsed. I still get tears in my ears whenever I think about it. My prayers always with those affected by this day.

  • At 5:59 AM, Blogger LISA WILLIAMS said…

    Of course, while typing this I got tears in my "eyes" so..the typo form about. Groan.

  • At 6:01 AM, Blogger Deborah Chan said…

    Yes, it is a sad day to remembering.

  • At 6:08 AM, Blogger Shuck Ying said…

    It is a heart_ending day and hopefully will make a positive difference in each of our lives.

  • At 9:01 PM, Blogger J said…

    I remember the moment I learnt the news. My heart goes out to all who lost thier loved ones in the act of devastation.

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