Monday, July 24, 2006
Do They Really Like Me?
This is a question that many authors, romance or otherwise, ask themselves. Writing is such a personal journey. You hear often that we have so many stories running around in our heads that we *must* put them down on paper. Some succeed in selling those stories, some do not. I read on Tawny Taylor's blog that at least 1.2 million books are printed in the U.S. every year, and of that 1.2 mil, only 25,000 sell more than 5,000 copies and only 500 sell more than 100,000. That is a staggering number.

So, it makes an author wonder, will I ever get in that number? We all aspire to be the next Nora or Janet. But only a few of us will. We learn and perfect our craft to someday sale to that NY agent/editor, and hope to see our name in a Barnes or Borders. This is the ultimate dream for us. And it all depends on someone we've never met (agent or editor) believing in our story enough to give it a chance.

Then, we have to connect to the reader so she/he will keep coming back for more. So we'll be the author who is always a *must buy.* Jodi Lynn Copeland referred to it as a *scooby snack*. Remember Scooby Doo? He was always rewarded this wonderful treat if he did something well, or agreed to do something for the gang. As authors, we want a scooby snack from an agent, editor, and of course a reader. We want to know that we've pleased you, that we've written something really well; that it made you laugh or cry. And yes, we want you to answer that question - Do you really like me?

I like you!

Lyric :-)

posted by Lyric James @ 10:30 PM  
  • At 10:22 AM, Blogger Karen Erickson said…

    I like you Lyric! ;)

    I know what you mean. This is a tough business. You get over one hurdle to find fifty more in front of you and you're not sure you're gonna make it past the 10th one.

    Guess we just gotta keep working and keep struggling over the hurdles. Too bad it's not all handed to us on a silver platter. :)

  • At 12:46 PM, Blogger Ann Cory said…

    My hope is that by working all together, we make this genre bigger than life :) I'd like to think there is room for us all.

  • At 1:24 PM, Blogger Sarah Palmero said…

    I think you're right. This is one of my biggest fears. Do people like me enough to come back and read the next thing that comes out. It's tough, but I think eventually you earn a following. Maybe not 5K strong. 5K would be sweet. :)

  • At 3:07 AM, Blogger Shelley Munro said…

    I try not to think too hard about this stuff otherwise I'd never write at all. Of course, it creeps in sometimes because we're all human. If I think about the journey in small bites it doesn't seem so scary. Just follow the dream...

  • At 8:05 PM, Blogger Tempest Knight said…

    If you're in this for the business, then prepare to fight your way up with teeth and claws. Be cold and hard, and know the demands that it'll put on you. If you're in to make this your job, then yes, you worry about "the numbers" and the deadlines.

    Me? I'm not into writing for the business or trying to make this a career. I'm doing it because it makes me happy. *g* I don't care if I sell 5 or 5,000 books. I'm happy when people like my stories because I like my stories myself. I'm not a story-writing machine. Each one of my stories is crafted with love and patience. And I'll continue writing them because I know out there there's someone who will read it and will somehow find his/her life a little easier to bear after joining one of my stories.

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